In his first solo show C. M. Kösemen investigates what makes us human by venturing into our collective realm of unconscious phantoms, demonic apparitions, and spiritual entities. Kosemen believes that one can relate to humanity’s most elemental feelings by applying the right “combination code” of anatomical details and archetypical figures. We respond instinctively to raw images of limbs, faces, eyes, teeth, sexual organs, and the body parts of animals are instantly recognisable thanks to our evolutionary heritage. Like the keys on a piano, each feature triggers a specific reaction in the human psyche. The juxtaposition of such forms thus leads the viewer through a kaleidoscope of emotional responses, a journey into his or her subconscious.
##the empire project – 10 Siraselviler Cd, Kat 1 D4, 34433 Taksim, Turkey | T: +90 (212) 292 59 6 ✪