Bilge Karasu – Essay on a Dark Yalı presents the author's reflections on the death of the beauty of a dark yali, a historic summer mansion which epitomizes the legacy
Evan Caminiti – Meridian Evan Caminiti’s slow but steady progression towards electronic music from sand-swept guitar drone mirrors the pace of the music he makes.
Evan Caminiti – Arc For his solo efforts, ambient artist Evan Caminiti continues to branch off from Barn Owl's signature guitar-based drone for more synthetic harmonies.
[László Krasznahorkai] Isaiah Has Come War and War: A special literary project Moon, valley, dew, death. In the year of Our Lord, in March, to be precise
Collapse.Rebuild. – Fail Again, Fail Better Collapse.Rebuild. is a post-rock band from Milan, Italy. The title of their debut Collapse.Rebuid album comes from a quote by well-known Samuel